

Deviation Actions

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Literature Text

=Reader's PoV=

I watched the scenery going by outside the car while smiling happily, today I had managed to pay way less for all the items I had gotten today. What normally would have cost Padre well over five hundred dollars came to the much smaller price of one hundred and twenty three dollars! My (Red/Violet/Magenta) orbs flicked briefly over to Mama's pouting face in the review mirror. I smirked in victory causing Mama to stick his tongue out at me childishly causing me to giggle.

"Sicily..." Padre growled out in warning causing me to shift my gaze to the warning in his own violet orbs.

"Eep!" I looked down at your hands and twiddled my fingers nervously. Padre had called me by my region name instead of my human name which meant I was in trouble. My gaze shifted back to the mirror seeing Padre's stern glare so I shrank down under his gaze and looked down at my feet. "Sorry Mama" I murmured softly, knowing full well what Padre wanted.

"A little bit louder (Name)." Okay he was using my human name now so that means I wasn't in as much trouble.

"I'm sorry Mama" I said looking up to see Mama smirking now. I mentally scowled as I saw him pretend to think it over to forgive me.

"Romano...just forgive (Name) already." HA! This time he was growling at Mama and I even saw Padre's hand reach across to Mama. My view was blocked by the seat so I couldn't really see what.

"Fine" Mama sighed dramatically and he turned in his seat to look back at me. "I forgive you bambina" Mama said as he ruffled my (blonde/auburn) hair smiling, careful of the curl that I had inherited from him.

I couldn't help but smile back at him, Mama could be lovable whenever he wanted to be. "Grazie Mama." Mama finally turned back in his seat to face the front, but not before whispering something in Padre's ear. Whatever it was it made him raise an eyebrow and mutter back to Mama who blushed brightly and whispered something quickly so that I couldn't catch. Shrugging to myself I looked back out the window and saw our home coming into view, there was also something in our driveway.

Grabbing the binoculars I had gotten earlier today, I rolled down my window to see what was in the driveway. Instantly my mood perked up!

"It's Zio Luci! Zio came by!!" I saw my parents exchange a glance, Padre's eyes burning holes into Mama who shrugged.

"Don't look at me amore, I didn't know Fratello was coming today. He never tells me anything" Mama shrugged elegantly with an air of slight annoyance.

"But that's what makes his visits special! He just pops up and teaches me stuff about knives!" I saw violet eyes narrow dangerously, Padre was a little territorial over me so he didn't like others teaching me about stuff he could. But that was the thing, he NEVER teaches me about ANYTHING! I learned all about knives and torturing methods from Zio Luci, not Padre, if he wanted me to learn so bad, why didn't Padre teach me all that stuff himself?

"I still don't know why you won't go into poisons" Mama said with a pout, "you don't get your clothes dirty or wrinkled and you can still torture your victim. Besides there are more choices with poisons, oh the things I could teach you mio bambina~." Mama giggled at that last sentence causing both myself and Padre to roll our eyes.

"Si Mama, but it's also cowardly. You don't face your victim with poisons" I saw Padre nod his head in approval causing Mama to whine.

"You can too face your victims" argued Mama before he sighed annoyed. "Honestly (Name), you, your Papa and Zio are too blood thirsty. It's not just about the damn blood, you know?" I simply giggled and saw amusement flash briefly in Padre's violet orbs.

Finally the car stopped, I threw off my seatbelt and opened my door to run and tackle my Zio. We both landed on the ground with Zio Luciano under me, he looked at me with a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"Now I see where your Mama's traits come out" he said with a slight smirk.

"HEY!" Both I and Mama looked insulted. We both glared and stuck our tongues out at Zio. It was then I felt myself being picked up and I saw that it was Padre who was picking me up with a glare? I tilted my head with a curious look in my (magenta/red/violet) orbs at him.

"So what brings you here Fratello" Mama asked as he took me from Padre's arms and balanced me on his hip. I wrapped my arms around Mama's neck and rested my head on his shoulder, this was one of my few favorite places in the world. The other two were in Padre's and Zio's arms.

"Business, pack what you need for a few days, you're coming back with me to Italy." I lifted my head up, knowing full well that 'business' meant 'politics'. Mama sighed as he handed me to Padre who looked rather blank, that is until you looked into his eyes. That's where his emotions tended to show and right now all I saw was rage in those deep violet pools.

"Fine fratello" I heard Mama sigh dramatically as he brushed his lips against both mine and Padre's cheeks. "Give me twenty minutes to pack." Zio Luciano shook his head looking annoyed.

"No you got ten minutes, I know how you are. Any more than that and I'm dragging your ass to the car with whatever you have on hand." Again Mama sighed dramatically before heading inside to pack whatever he has to pack.

Padre put me down and stalked into the house, I sat on the front porch of the house waiting for Mama to come out since I always say good bye by the door. Sure enough he was out in what I guess was ten minutes with two suitcases and some file bags, I quickly managed to hug Zio Luciano bye before running back to Mama.

He knelt down to my height and wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly. I return the hug and felt his lips brush my forehead, all too mindful of my curl.

"I'll be back within a week hopefully at the latest. I'll see you then mio bambina, try to calm your Papa down for me, will you?" I nodded and felt Mama kiss my cheek before grabbing his stuff and running to the car where Zio was waiting and looking annoyed. "Bye bambina, be a good ragazza for Papa and don't piss him off!" Mama waved as Zio Luciano pulled out of the driveway and sped away, I waved until the car was out of sight. I then turned toward the house and took a quick inventory throughout the house, looks like Padre was outside in the tomato gardens. That's where he seemed to spend a majority of his time if he wasn't sharpening his knives, having 'play time' with Mama or out killing people.

I grabbed my (f/c) army cap that Signore Luther had given me and placed it on my head as I headed outside. Mama always worried about me getting 'too much sun' so I always had to wear the hat.

I scanned the many rows of tomato plants looking for any sign of my Padre, sighing I didn't see any off the bat. Looks like I'm going to have to search the back fields for him. It took a while to find my Padre and I was getting rather hungry so I swiped a few of the red fruits, making sure to eat them quickly before I found my violet-eyed parent. Sighing again in annoyance, I was about to give up when I finally saw dark auburn amongst the red and green of the garden.

He turned when I was only a few feet away from him, a blank look on his face but his eyes narrowed at me. Looking down I saw what he was seeing and I rushed to try and wipe away the tomato juice on my (f/c) shirt. It was rather futile since I was already caught but hey a girl could try!

"What is it (Name)?" Despite the fact that Padre's voice sounded bored and monotone, I hunched my shoulder under his piercing gaze and walked over to his side. I kneeled down and began to pull at the weeds.

"I figured since Mama's gone, I could help you with this." I continued to pull at the weeds, not caring that I wasn't wearing gardening gloves. Padre snorted and grabbed my hands, he removed his gloves and placed them over my much smaller hands.

"Your Mama knows enough to wear protective gear at least" Padre said as he continued to weed, now gloveless.

"I am" I argued causing Padre to snort once more and flicked the bill of my cap.

"This isn't the only protection you need chica." I glared slightly before my eyes widened, Padre was smiling! True it was rather small and more like a smirk but STILL he was smiling! My own mouth grinned at the very rare sight, proud that I could witness this truly rare moment.

The two of us continued to weed the garden until the sun began to set on the other side of the valley that we lived on. Padre picked me up from the ground and carried me back to the house, stating so that I didn't lose him. It had happened before so I wasn't complaining, besides it war rare for Padre to do this.

"What do you want for dinner (Name)?" I bit my thumbnail in thought, thinking if I was in the mood for Italian or Spanish foods. Finally it hit me.

"Paella" I said knowing that it was my father's favorite food. He nodded his head and nudged me towards the doorway.

"Go and wash up" he said causing me to pout.

"Why not you too?" His expression was blank until a teasing smirk emerged on his face.

"Because I'm bigger and older. I'm also your Padre there chica, now go clean off your arms and face." Still pouting I stalked to the bathroom and did as I was told. When I returned, Padre had the paella started, the smell filling the room causing my tummy to rumble softly. Thankfully the food was finished quickly and about an hour later I found myself lying with Padre on the couch.

We both were watching some old horror movie that neither of us cared about, it was just background noise really. I lifted my head off Padre's chest and saw that his arms were pillowing his head and his eyes were closed. Leaning up I pressed a kiss to his nose before laying my own head back on his chest and closing my eyes.

"Te amo Padre" I whispered softly. No sooner did I say those words, I felt a hand start running through my (blonde/auburn) locks. I flinched slightly at the touch but quickly relaxed under the comforting touch.

"Te quiero tambien pequeña." I know I fell asleep with a smile on my face, with my Padre's touch and comforting words.

=The Following Morning (Still Reader's PoV)=

The sunlight filtered through my blinds and hit my eyes, I blinked my eyes open and saw that the blinds hadn't been closed last night. I turned towards my alarm clock to see that it was only eight in the morning, groaning I covered my head with one of my (f/c) pillows, hoping to block the evil sun.

I lay on my bed hoping that I could fall asleep, sadly it seemed that my body was awake now. Sitting up I threw off my sheets and comforter, it was then that I saw that I had been changed into my pajamas, looks like Padre changed my clothes last night. Shrugging, I got out of my bed and headed towards my bedroom door. Looking out I saw that Padre's and Mama's bedroom door was closed.

"Oh well" I shrugged and then a thought hit me, "I know! I'll make breakfast!" Grinning I ran towards the kitchen while trying to make as little noise as possible. I wanted to surprise Padre after all.

Due to my short height, I grabbed a stool and began to gather all that I would need for breakfast. I grabbed eggs, milk, cheeses, tomatoes, peppers, bacon, jalapeños and onions for omelets; extra tomatoes for juice and to be sliced up for a snack. I began to chop the vegetables and cooked the bacon for the omelets, then I mixed the milk with the eggs and poured the mixture into a hot skillet. When it was time, I added the vegetables, cheeses and crumbled the bacon into the omelets, then I folded the omelets in half to cook. I repeated the process a few times until I had enough for both myself and Padre.

Next I began to slice some of the tomatoes and put the others into a juicer. It was rather messy with given how juicy the red fruits were. Putting the prepared food in dishes to keep them warm and pouring the juice into glasses, I then cleaned up the kitchen knowing full well that Padre hated HIS kitchen messy.

I then put the plates, bowls and glass onto a tray and carefully carried it to my parents' room. It took a few minutes for me to open the door given the fact that I was holding the tray but I got it opened AND without spilling anything. Now came the really hard part, getting the food to Padre WITHOUT waking him up and having him accidently killing me. Every time I saw him move I stopped then continued to the bed. I placed the tray on one of the dressers and carefully climbed onto the bed to shake Padre's tanned shoulder.

"Padre, I made breakfast" I said shaking his shoulder. He growled slightly and covered his head with a pillow. Scratching the side of my head, I had to think of how to get my Padre up without killing myself. That's when it hit me, I forgot his coffee! That was the only way to wake him up! Well that and tricking him to eat a jalapeño like Tío Mexico taught me but that usually made Padre reeeeeeaaaaaaally mad so I didn't want to do that.

Quick as a flash I grabbed the tray and placed the foods that needed to stay warm in the oven as I began to get all the stuff I needed to make Padre's coffee. Luckily Mama had a little piece of paper that stated how much coffee Padre liked in the machine and how much water to pour in. I measured the accurate amount of coffee and water into the machine, then I waited for the brown liquid to be made. It took about ten minutes but it was worth the wait considering this would ensure my survival.

I poured the coffee into one of Padre's giant mugs and pulled out the food of the oven, placing the cup and food back on the tray I headed back to my parents' room. Thankfully I left the door open so I didn't have as much difficulty this time around. Once more I placed the tray on the dresser and grabbed the coffee. I walked over to Padre's side of the bed holding the steaming mug.

"Padre?" I asked causing him to lift the pillow and glare at me with one eye open. I held the mug out for him to see and as a peace offering. "I made you coffee and breakfast so you don't have to get out of bed." His eye closed and he sat up groaning, he took the coffee and took a long drag of the mug as I got the tray full of food. I placed the tray on the bed and climbed on as well, taking Mama's side of the bed.

"Buon appetito" I said before taking a bite into my own omelet. It wasn't too bad but what do you expect, I rarely get a chance to cook! Padre grunted before taking a bite in his food as well.

"Not bad but not great" his words made me pout. It may have been true but couldn't he have been a little bit nicer? He must have seen my expression before speaking up. "Do you want lies or honesty?" I sighed, knowing he meant well by being blunt.


"If you're interested in cooking just come to myself or your mama. We'll cook together while Mama's gone." I couldn't help but grin at my Padre, this was the first time he's ever offered to teach me anything! Breakfast passed by with a light conversation, this was honestly the most time that Padre and I had ever spent together! After we finished I gathered the dishes and placed them all on the tray.

"I'll meet you downstairs to help with the dishes after I get dressed" Padre said as I headed out the door. I nodded my head and closed it behind me.

Five minutes later, I was washing the dishes on one of my stools when Padre joined beside me and began to rinse what I had washed. We cleaned the breakfast dishes in a comfortable silence and I couldn't help the smile on my face. Padre nudged my shoulder and I looked up to see what he wanted.

"Get dressed, we're going to practice throwing knives and efficient torturing methods." This time I didn't hold back the grin as I hugged his waist and ran out of the kitchen. FINALLY Padre  was going to teach me about knife usage instead of Zio Luciano! Don't get me wrong I loved spending time with my Zio but time with Padre was really rare as it always seemed like he never wanted to spend time with me.

I ran to my room and changed in record time, I managed to grab the knife Zio had given me as a gift years ago before running out.

=Time skip to after Dinner!=

Padre and I were once again laying on the couch, a grin never leaving my face as I thought back on the day. We had spent a good half of the day on the proper uses of knives and how to properly torture your victim without killing him or her. He even gave me my own knife that was his very first, that I will always treasure! Then we had taken a siesta together, I was so surprised that Padre let me sleep with him on his hammock that was on the veranda! Seriously the only one he ever lets up there with him is Mama!

Then we spent time in the garden this time gathering a lot of the red fruits we all loved. Padre then let me help make dinner, some dish that I can't really pronounce but had a lot of tomatoes, we then washed the dishes together once more. And that was how we got to where we are right now.

Padre had wanted to me to watch some new horror film with him, he claimed that it would help me get used to blood and gore as well as teach me all about the fun of torturing. Did I care? No since this means that we would continue to spend time together. The movie had finished and I was still wide awake, Padre put another horror film in; this time I felt myself getting tired with the day’s events finally catching up to me.

I closed my eyes with a smile letting sleep take me in its clutches, I couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring me and the days after that. I knew that when Mama returned I was going to tell him about all the time Padre and I had spent together. The last thing I heard before falling asleep was Padre's soft words

"Buenos noches (Name), don't forget te amo pequeña. And I always will even I don't show it all the time."
This is a REPOSTING from my old account Shiniryuu-No-Kaze! This was not stolen!

Requested by :iconhellgirl-fan1:

:iconhellgirl-fan1: wanted a Daddy!2P!Spain and since I read that 2p!Spain is extremely territorial, only 2P!Romano could have been the mommy. So be warned of yaoi and mpreg! If you don't like mpreg then I'm sorry but I do and I like Spamano (both 1P and 2P) so this makes sense to me.

I apologize for not going into descriptions of the characters like I did in my other oneshots and for the over use of the word 'torture'. Since this is in Reader's PoV I figured that it wouldn't really matter, so I'm probably wrong there. I also apologize for this being rushed and all over the place since I'm recovering from writer's block. Hope you enjoy!

- Since Reader is the offspring of 2P!Spain and 2P!Romano, the only colors you get for eyes are Red (2P!Romano's), Violet (2P!Spain's) or Magenta/Fuschia (2P!Veneziano). The same goes for hair, Blonde (2P!Romano's) or Dark Auburn (2P!Spain and 2P!Veneziano)
- I'm making it so that Reader doesn't really mind shopping but is a mean barterer. This means Reader can out deal anyone and pay waaaaaay less for whatever the original prices for items are. This usually creates a competition between Mama Romano and Reader, who can buy the most items for the least amount of cash.
- Filebags are pretty much shoulder bags that I've noticed some people use for paperwork and all that kind of stuff
- Reader looks around 11-14 years old but is rather small in height since I read that a lot of Italian kids are short. Whether this is true or not is beyond me. Also since Reader is a city, Reader's age is actually much older than what Reader-chan looks
- Don't know anything about Spanish/Italian breakfasts so I went American. Whenever I make omelettes (despite the fact that I Hate them) I use milk for the eggs, is that normal?
- 2P!Spain is usually emotionless so I figured becoming a parent made him a little more open to emotions. He was rather hard to portray in this

Translations (Forgive any inaccuracy):
Padre - Father
Mama - Mom
Tio - Uncle (Spanish)
Zio - Uncle (Italian)
Te amo Padre - I love you Father (Spanish)
Te quiero tambien, pequeña- I love you too little one (Spanish)

:iconhimaruyaplz: - Rightfully owns Hetalia
:iconangryspainplz: (Sorry no 2P Icon for him yet or at least I can't find one) - Owns the Reader (Since he sees people as possesions)/You're lucky to be his child
:iconmirrordemoness: - Owns the plot
Cover Image -
© 2013 - 2024 MirrorDemoness
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*squealing*ohhhhhhhh its soooooo cuuutteeeee!!